The Chapter in China of our independent international civil and political rights Organization known as Actions for Justice and Peace ( AXJ ), has just sent us a copy of the attached article published on an Animal News website, and we must say that we find this to be appauling and disgusting. We understand that Beef, pork, Poultry and may other animals have been sources of food for human beings for many years, but dogs and cats are considered to be pets, and not for human consumption. We re-publish the article below for educational purposes only and ask the Authorities in China to re-consider this practice.
The risk is even higher in the case of street dogs. The probability of being a street dog being captured, crammed in a truck and sold somewhere as food is immense, like the video attached to this campaign illustrates. This is the sad reality governing China on a daily basis, without any exceptions.
In spite of numerous protests and countless calls for reform, authorities have shown little interest in this matter. All they have learned to do is turn a blind eye: as a result, the meat trade is widely popular, despite the widely negative consequences that humans are exposed to when eating man’s best friend. According to unofficial statistics, over 10 million dogs perish for food in China each year – 15, 000 of them solely at the infamous festival in Yulin; they are brought from all across the country and cooked in the name of tradition, without any possibility of escaping…
The time for a change for the dogs of China has arrived. Please support my campaign and urge the authorities to show love and compassion and urge them to implement reforms to help the dogs. This ruthless meat industry must be outlawed nationwide and animal welfare legislation must be adopted without delay. The dogs of China deserve more – help speak up for them because they cannot do it for themselves!
